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Wallboard and Realtime Settings

Understand entry variables for Realtime and Wallboards values used in statistics calculations

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over 2 months ago

Learn about the settings which affect your statistics within Wallboards and Realtime dashboard tabs.

User Level:

  • Admin

This article describes functionality available in the CloudTalk Legacy Dashboard. Some features and options outlined here may not align with the functionality of the newer version of the dashboard. For detailed insights into the statistics and features available in the updated dashboard, please refer to the Analytics Documentation.

Wallboards and Realtime Dashboard

Wallboards are an available feature for Expert and Custom plans, while the Realtime dashboard is available for Essential, Expert, and Custom users.

Adjusting Settings

From the dashboard, you can access your general account settings by navigating to Account > Settings. Scroll down to find sections for Realtime dashboard and Wallboards settings.

Realtime Dashboard Values Explained

Refresh interval for Realtime dashboard

Select how often the page and all its information will refresh. It is recommended not to choose a value less than one minute, as this can negatively affect your server performance.

Time interval for displaying statistics in hours

Enter a number of hours to represent a period of time, which is needed to generate summative rates against which shifting realtime rates will be compared for statistical calculations. The time interval entered here will be used to calculate statistical values such as ANSWERED, UNANSWERED, AVRG. ABANDON. RATE, MAX. ABANDON. RATE, AVRG. CALL DURATION, and so on.

Threshold value for average waiting time in queue

Enter a number of seconds to represent an estimated acceptable queue time, against which the AVRG. WAIT. TIME will be compared to produce either a green or red vector icon. The vector icon represents whether its calculated statistic is higher or lower than the entered threshold value.

Threshold value for abandonment rate

Enter a decimal to represent an estimated percentage of calls which drop from the queue unanswered, against which the actual ABANDON. RATE will be compared to produce either a green or red vector icon. The vector icon represents whether its calculated percentage is higher or lower than the entered threshold percentage.

Wallboards Values Explained

Answered calls service level threshold

Enter an integer to represent an estimated acceptable number of answered calls within the time interval (adjusted in Realtime dashboard), against which the actual ANSWERED value will be compared to produce either a green or red vector icon. The vector icon represents whether its calculated statistic is higher or lower than the entered threshold value.

Time in seconds after which call will be considered as abandoned

Enter a number of seconds to represent the maximum time to pass before a call is counted as ABANDONED and dropped from the queue.

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