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Types Of Phone Numbers

A quick guide to different phone number types that you can add to your CloudTalk account

Erica Hoelper avatar
Written by Erica Hoelper
Updated over a week ago

Our variety of number types come with different use cases. Use this guide to choose the best for your business.

Types of Phone Numbers

  • Geographic/Local: These numbers have a digit structure linked to a specific city. They are therefore tied to a particular region, such as London, Madrid, etc.

  • Mobile: Mobile numbers are usually used for cell phones and linked to SIM-cards. CloudTalk offers mobile numbers in a handful of countries. However, our numbers are not linked to a SIM-card and can be used the same way as local or national numbers.

  • National: Unlike geographic phone numbers, national phone numbers are not tied to a local area. Pricing for outbound phone calls through CloudTalk, using a national number, is the same as for local numbers. Callers dialing in to a national CloudTalk number should be charged by their carrier the same way as for a local call.

  • Toll-free: Also called freephone numbers, these are billed to the company for all received calls instead of to the customer. For the caller, a call to a toll-free number from a landline or mobile phone is free of charge. If you would like to have a toll-free number on your CloudTalk account, you will fund the inbound calls from your account credit.

  • Shared cost - This is very similar to toll-free, but instead the company who owns the number covering the full cost of calls, all charges are split between callee and caller.

Number Coverage

Have a look at our global country coverage and numbers pricing to see what we can offer. Our team is happy to help you find the most suitable number, but be aware that some are limited by the country regulator and can only be assigned with a local address or business registration. Less in-demand numbers may have to be ordered specifically for you.

Have more questions? Don't hesitate to contact our Support team. We're always happy to help!

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