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Configure Callback

Activate the Callback feature and radically reduce the number of unanswered calls, improving customer satisfaction.

Matej avatar
Written by Matej
Updated over 3 months ago

CloudTalk allows you to configure Callback in just a few clicks. Once Callback is activated, CloudTalk will automatically start dialing a number of the client who could not reach you the first time.

This feature will boost your customer satisfaction by ensuring that all calls are answered. For a detailed description of this tool and its benefits, read our blog post.

Configuring Callback for your business

Callback can be easily configured by Administrator in the Dashboard. In the left-side menu, go to Account - Settings - Callback.

You can set up Callback in 3 simple steps:

  1. Activate Callback by changing the switch into the active position.

  2. Set a maximum deadline for Callback. This value determines how long CloudTalk will spend trying to reach the client. Three options are currently available:

    • Until the end of the day – Callback will try to contact the client until midnight or, if you have the Business Hours feature enabled, until the end of your business hours.

    • 24 hours – Callback will try to reach the client for 24 hours after the missed call, respecting your business hours.

    • 48 hours – Callback will try to call the client for 48 hours after the missed call, respecting your business hours.

  3. Choose a maximum number of Callback attempts. You can also select the number of Callback attempts, the minimum being 1 and the maximum being 10. These attempts will be evenly distributed until your selected deadline expires.

    For example, if you set a limit of 24 hours and 6 attempts, 3 attempts will be made on the day of the missed call and 3 attempts on the following day.

Note: while the attempts are evenly distributed, the first two callbacks follow a strict pattern. The initial automatic callback attempt will always be made immediately once an agent is available and the second attempt will be made at least one hour after that.

Pro Tip: We recommend that you select 4 or 5 attempts. The customer will be happy that you are calling back, but you won’t be bothering them with too many calls.

Important notice: If you manage to reach the client before the Callback deadline expires or before all attempts are made, CloudTalk will no longer try to call the number (unless there is a new missed call from the same client).

Global versus local settings 

In this post, we have shown you how to use our Callback feature and how to configure global settings for your business. However, you may also enable Callback for individual groups in the group’s settings. These settings will override global callback settings, configured for the whole company.

For individual group settings please go
Groups tab > Edit group > Advanced settings > Callback settings > Use custom settings

If you need further assistance or have any other questions, you can contact our Support team. We are always happy to help!

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