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Reach a large number of prospects in an organized way using our campaign dialer.

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to configure calling campaigns using the updated features offered in our dialer tab.

User Level:

  • Admin

Dialer Campaigns

Campaigns, sometimes called calling campaigns, allow a business to create a structured format to reach a large number of people through one-on-one calling. The goals of a campaign include:

  • targeting a particular group of customers or leads

  • streamlining the calling process for your agents

Contacts for your campaigns will be sourced using contact tags. These are tags that can be added during a bulk contact upload process or integration synch, via your Salesforce saved lists, through an automation, or manually if necessary.

Campaigns List

Access past, current, and scheduled campaigns via the Dialer tab.

  1. Navigate to Dialer > Campaigns.

  2. Use filters to search a campaign by name or status.

    1. You can sort campaign names in ascending or descending order by hovering near Name and toggling the arrow direction.

  3. Select an icon on the listed campaign to edit, delete, or view details for that campaign.

Add Campaign

  1. Select +Add campaign to configure a new campaign.

  2. Optional: Load existing campaign settings for a faster setup (see Load Existing).

  3. Name your campaign and choose a Status.

    1. Only Active campaigns can be seen by agents.

    2. Agents can see scheduled campaigns, if they are Active, but will not be able to start calling until after the scheduled time.

  4. Select an existing contact tag as your campaign tag.

    1. Contacts with this tag will be added to the calling list for your campaign.

    2. If more than one tag is chosen, contacts with either tag will be added to the campaign list, and contacts with more tag matches will be prioritized.

  5. Choose one or more Assigned groups or Assigned users.

    1. Campaigns without assigned users or groups will not be visible in the calling apps.

  6. When done, select Create campaign.

Load Existing

When adding a new campaign, you can autofill settings from a previous campaign.

  1. Add a new campaign and select Load Existing.

  2. Start typing and select a previous campaign.

  3. Settings from the selected campaign will autofill into the current setup.

    1. The Name will default to the previous name with an ascending number value (e.g., October Campaign becomes October Campaign 2, October Campaign 2 becomes October Campaign 3).

  4. Adjust any necessary settings for the new campaign.

    1. Make sure scheduled campaign times and campaign tags are still relevant.

    2. If the same tag is used as in a previous campaign, tagged contacts will again be added into the new campaign to be called, unless they have been manually untagged.

  5. When done, select Create campaign.

Campaign Settings

  • StatusActive, Inactive, or Scheduled (for scheduled campaigns)

  • Select contacts by tags—contacts with the tag(s) chosen here will be added to the campaign contact list

    • Tags are not auto-removed from contacts after a completed campaign

    • Tags must already be added to contacts to be searchable

  • Attempts per contact—how many times a missed contact will be re-added into the calling list for this campaign

    • Calling queue order: first_attempt_contact, first_attempt_contact, call_again contact

  • Answer wait time (in seconds)—a call will be completed by the system if the reached contact does not answer before this time limit

  • Outbound caller id—if you have virtual call masks in your account, you can search and select one here, or use the agent assigned outbound (default)

  • Assign call script—select an existing script (see Call Scripts)

  • Assign survey—select an existing survey (see Surveys)

  • Assigned groups—select one or more groups of agents to participate in this campaign

  • Assigned users—if no groups selected, select one or more agents to participate in this campaign

You must assign at least one group or user to the campaign in order to actually run the campaign. Assigned agents can access their campaigns from the dialer in their CloudTalk Phone desktop app > Power Dialer.

Call Scripts

Scripts can help streamline the calling process for agents by providing suggested dialogue prompts and answers that agents can view during each campaign call.

To add a new call script:

  1. Navigate to Dialer > Call Scripts.

  2. Select + Add Call Script.

  3. Name the script and use the content editor to write (or format pasted text).

    1. If preferred, you can select the </> icon and paste in your HTML templates here.

  4. When done, select Create Script.

    1. Your script can now be searched for and selected when adding a new campaign.


Surveys provide a structured way to collect valuable feedback from reached contacts within a campaign.

To add a new survey:

  1. Navigate to Dialer > Surveys.

  2. Select + Add Survey.

  3. Name your survey and include at least one question.

    1. Question content should be the question agents will ask to a contact.

    2. Question type decides what kind of answer the question can have.

      1. Short text (max 255 characters)—a short free response.

      2. Long text (max 65535 characters)—a long form free response.

      3. Checkbox—Check for yes, leave unchecked for no.

      4. Radio options—Multiple options, one answer. (Better for fewer options due to screen space.)

      5. Select—Multiple options, one answer. (Recommended for a longer list of options, e.g. countries, colors.)

  4. Select Create survey when done.

    1. Your survey can now be searched for and selected when adding a new campaign.

Advanced Settings

Within the Advanced Settings tab of campaign setup, you can add or edit call result buttons. These buttons determine how the call will be marked (successful, unsuccessful, etc.), and are selected by the agent at the end of each campaign call.

Agent View—After call work

Call Result Types

The result type chosen for each button will affect the percentages you see reflected in the campaign statistics. We recommend adding descriptions to your buttons to help agents select the most appropriate call result.

  • Reschedule—the agent will be asked to schedule a new time to redial the contact.

  • Call successful with negative result—the call was answered, but the contact was not interested.

  • Call successful with positive result—the call was answered and the client was interested.

  • Call unsuccessful, try to call later—the call wasn't answered or was dropped unexpectedly. The contact should be redialed (if the redial limit has not been reached).

  • Call unsuccessful, do not call again later—the call may have been answered but the number shouldn't be tried again (e.g., a wrong number).

View or Edit Campaign

  1. Navigate to the campaigns list via Dialer > Campaigns.

  2. Select the magnifier icon to view details for the campaign, including tabs for Statistics, Scheduled Calls, and Survey Answers.

    1. Under the Details tab, you can find links to associated pages for any campaign tags, surveys, or call scripts used in the campaign. For example, you can select the campaign tag and be brought to the Contacts page, where you can search the tag and see what contacts are connected.

  3. Select the pencil icon on any campaign from the campaigns list to edit settings for that campaign.

    1. Settings changed during an active campaign will go into effect immediately. This could affect your campaign statistics.

Campaign Statistics

Campaign statistics apply various metrics to present an overview of the success of your campaign. These measurements can be affected by the result types you configure within the Advanced Settings of a campaign.

When viewing campaign statistics, you can hover over a particular statistic to see an infographic for how it is calculated.

Scheduled Calls

Scheduled calls are campaign calls which finished with a Reschedule result type. When choosing this end of call action, the agent is required to enter a reschedule date and time. The same agent who scheduled the call is responsible for completing the reschedule.

Agent View—Reschedule call

Scheduled calls can be found in campaign details under the Scheduled Calls tab. Here, you can view whether the status of a scheduled call is Dialed or Scheduled. To manually resolve scheduled calls, you can change the status to Dialed if the contact has already been dialed back outside the campaign, or delete the scheduled call altogether.

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