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CloudTalk Analytics - Introduction
CloudTalk Analytics - Introduction

An introductory guide to navigating our new, dedicated analytics site at

Written by Tom Grant
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to navigate our new analytics page to gain access to stat cards, highly customizable reports, and more detailed call routes.

User Level:

  • Admin

Analytics Overview

CloudTalk are proud to present our new Analytics site, a collection of performance-based statistical reports that cover categories including agents, groups, call logs and messages.

The goal of our new Analytics system is to provide a user experience in which reports can be customized to fit the needs of our individual users, and where information can be sought and analyzed with varying ranges of specificity- in the easiest way possible.

Logging In

Users can access CloudTalk Analytics through a button in their dashboard or via

You'll find a link to Analytics in the same place you would usually look for statistics (Dashboard>Statistics>click on New Analytics).

You'll need your CloudTalk e-mail and password in order to log in, alternatively you can use Google Sign In or SSO if your company uses either of these features.

Welcome to CloudTalk Analytics!

Analytics Features

Top-down Style Reporting

Moving from the top to the bottom of the page, data is intended to narrow down from broad to more specific. This starts from the very top, where users have the option to select one of four report types to view:

  • Group report

  • Agent report

  • Call log

  • Messages report

💡 Looking for even more? Further reports are currently in development!

Selecting one of these report types enables the user to define the analytical focus of a report. Each report will contain different calculations, with some overlap where applicable.

Customized Reports

Group report

This report type provides a broader view of a group’s activity. Filter the group's work by total calls, handle time and more. Compare members of a group to one another.

Agent report

Looking for specific data on an individual agent? Use Agent report to focus on productivity tracking across periods of time, check average talk times, or look into individual calls made to certain numbers.

Call Log

This type is best for viewing all call data, all inbound or all outbound data. If you're looking for the ID of a specific call, or data on all calls made at specific times regardless of users/groups, this is the report to use.

Messages Report

Track the cost of SMS and MMS messages sent, or tally messages sent and received.

Not finding the right report?

The purpose of the new Analytics site is to supply performance-based statistics about users and groups. While we're looking at adding further reports in the future, if you're specifically seeking data on functionality like Realtime Dashboards, Wallboards or Call Monitoring, you'll need to continue using the standard CloudTalk dashboard statistics section.

Note- a button has been added to the top-right of the Analytics screen which will enable you to return quickly to your CloudTalk dashboard.

Filter Your Results

After choosing the report you wish to run, you have the option to select further filters and narrow down your search for data.

You can then add further filters to your search by clicking the + Add filter button. Once selected, these filters are applied instantly.

Which filter is right for you?

Review the following table for a guide to which filters are applicable to each report and what those filters do. Use the left column and icons to check which reports are compatible with each filter, while the right column provides a description of the function of each filter. If you're just looking to perform quick, open searches, any mandatory filters are listed below the table.

Note: The only mandatory filters in each report are:

Group report - Group name + Date period

Agent report - Agent name + Date period

Call log - Date period

Messages report - Date period

Clicking on filters will show you the current search terms applied, including an arrow to view the exact data searched for. In this case Contact name can be expanded to show that we have specifically searched for 'test'.

You can remove filters by hitting the X button, edit the terms of your search by selecting the pencil icon, or start from scratch by hitting Reset on the right side of the screen.

Stat Cards

After applying your search criteria, you'll then be presented with a series of 'Stat Cards'. These Stat Cards provide clear, efficient and precise data on set criteria determined by the report selected.

These statistics are cumulative for the time period chosen, meaning they will include all data from within the chosen Date when performing their calculation.

In addition to the chosen date affecting these values, some cards will also factor in a threshold value. The only current example of this would be Short Calls, which have a threshold value of 30 seconds, meaning any calls under 30 seconds will be considered 'short calls'. As further improvements are made to Analytics in future, we will look at increasing the cards available and providing ways for customers to individually customise their thresholds.

You also have the ability to filter and customise the Stat Cards section according to your requirements using the highlighted buttons shown below:

The arrow symbols either side of the card number (e.g 1/12), allow you to scroll through the available cards.

💡If you're trying to get to a card that you know is nearer the end of the list e.g 11/12, you can use the arrow keys to scroll backwards and reach it quicker.

The Toggle view button allows you to quickly switch between the default, smaller visual, to instead view all available Stat Cards on one screen if preferred:

Edit mode allows you to fully customise the visibility and position of your Stat Cards.

Make full use of Edit mode to tailor the positioning of your Stat Cards to your individual needs by simply dragging and dropping the cards to new positions.

With the exception of any card you currently have highlighted/selected (see Total calls in the above screenshot), you'll be able to turn cards on or off in order to hide them from view using the red X icon in the top-right corner of each card. A disabled card will continue to generate statistics in the background and can be re-enabled at any time by returning to edit mode and clicking on the green + icon that will have replaced the red X.

Missing cards?

In each report there will be some cards/calculations that are hidden by default and/or are non-applicable. For example, the Messages report page is focused entirely on tracking messages sent and received along with their associated costs. Therefore, this report does not have Stat Cards for calculations such as Handle time or After-call work time.

Control what information you want to see

Selecting almost anything on the analytics page can change the information displayed. Use this functionality to expand more detailed information regarding specific elements of calls, change the ordering of data, or navigate to individual calls and periods of time.

In the following example, our company has made a considerable amount of calls and we're looking to find out how the average handle time compares to the previous month, but we want to compare this on a day-to-day basis. Having selected the Group report and Date period of 'last month', then clicking Apply, we received the relevant data. We then filtered this data further by selecting the Avg. handle time Stat Card, and clicking on 'Day' on the right-hand side of the screen.

The outcome is that we now see the average handle time of calls across the month of September on each day, compared to the same day in the previous month of August. The only outlier here being the 31st of August, for which there is no direct comparison and so the previous period graph line extends alone.

Note- you can also disable the previous period comparison altogether by clicking on the words 'Previous period', below the displayed graph.

In this second example, we're interested in just seeing statistics about our weekly amount of calls. We've once again used the Group report, filtered by 'last month' and then hit the Apply button. After clicking on the Total calls Stat Card, and then on 'Week' on the right-hand side, we can now view precise call totals for each week of September compared to the same week in August.

Note- 2022-35, 2022-36 denotes the week number within that year.

Also demonstrated here is the ability to click on individual points in the graphs to view precise numbers/information, especially useful when digging through huge numbers of calls or statistics.

In the below example, we're filtering the Call log report to search for calls made during a specific hour of the day (select Call log report - filter by date 'Today'- click on 'Hour' on the right-hand side). As you can see, clicking on specific data points opens up new information in the call logs below, enabling us to filter calls even further down to specific agents at specific times.

Note- You can also click on the names of these individual columns to filter by that category. E.g in the picture above, the data is filtered initially by Total calls, and then after opening All Agents, the calls are filtered by Date, as shown by the arrow pointing downwards next to the Total calls / Date column titles.

Call Steps

Another great feature recently added to Analytics is the ability to track a call on its journey through your CloudTalk phone system. Any inbound call (arrow pointing to the left direction) whether it was answered or not, will leave a trace throughout your system as it travels. By clicking on the icon with three small dots to the right-hand side of calls in the call log, you can monitor the route taken by individual calls.

Simply click on the Call steps button to reveal the call route. In the example below from our test database, our caller dialed through to an IVR, waited in a queue, and ultimately left a voicemail as their call was missed by the agents.

In another example, this time tracking missed calls on a live account, the customer moved quickly through an IVR, before spending time in three different group queues and eventually cancelling their call.

Note: to quickly determine what an arrow's color or direction means in a list of calls, you can hover your mouse on the arrow as shown below:

Analytics User Roles

As you may expect, the level of access an agent has will limit the statistics they can see in Analytics. The following is a simple breakdown of these limitations:

  1. Admin → can see all reports.

  2. Supervisor → can see reports for agents/groups managed. The logic here is that if the supervisor manages a group, they are treated as though they manage all agents within that group as well.

  3. Analyst → can see all reports.

  4. Agent → can see only their personal reports and performance information.

Export Data

There are two export functions built in to the new Analytics, CSV and PDF. You'll find these options in the top-right of your screen and these can be triggered once a search has been performed with the Apply button.

Exporting via CSV will instantly trigger the sending of an email containing a CSV file to the email address registered to the account of the user who requested it. A successful export will trigger a pop up message at the bottom of the screen, as shown below:

Exporting via PDF will trigger a PDF download after a short delay. The PDF export will capture the entire Analytics screen as it was at the time the button was clicked, useful for quickly sending screenshots of data to others or for saving snapshots of data for later use.

Have more questions about analytics or another topic? Contact our Support team. We're always happy to help!

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