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Agent Report

Keep track of the success of your agents using the features offered through Analytics.

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over a month ago

Track agent productivity with ease using our Analytics.

User Level:

  • Admin

Understanding agent performance is essential for improving efficiency and delivering excellent customer service. With the Analytics tools available, you can easily analyze agent activity based on your desired success metrics.

Agent Statistics

You can view a chart representing the call logs for a single agent or select multiple agents in the filter to view their call statistics all at once.

  1. Go to Analytics and choose Agent report on the top sidebar.

  2. From the filter options on the top of the page, click Select agent. Search for or select the name of the agent whose stats you want to view.

    To display the statistics for all agents, simply click the Select All options in the Agent filter.

  3. Choose call direction (Inbound, outbound, or both) and adjust the time parameters in the top right corner of the page.

  4. After applying your search criteria, you’ll see the data displayed in stat cards and a graph. You can learn more about them in our article here. Clicking on a stat card will show a detailed breakdown of the information below.

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the Total calls summary. You can compare the number of Total calls made, Avg, handle time, Avg. talking time, Avg. Call Duration, and outbound Short calls.

6. Logs can be saved as a file in CSV or PDF format by clicking the Export button. Dowloaded log files contain more detailed information for tracking records.

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