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Call Details—Analytics
Call Details—Analytics

View and export detailed information about a call, all in one place.

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over a week ago

Learn how call details are presented in analytics, and what information you can find there.

User Level:

  • Supervisor

  • Admin

  • Analyst

The Call Details Page

Each individual call has its own call details, which is made up of data metrics and information about the call. In Analytics, these data points can be displayed in a more visually engaging and accessible format on the Call Details page for a given call. You can gain insight to call data directly from a call’s Call Details page, and you can also customize PDF export files for download.

Some data types described in this article in relation to call details are only available if you have conversation intelligence enabled on your plan. These will be marked with "AI".

Conversation intelligence users can navigate to the top banner to Rate our AI for accuracy. Your feedback helps us offer you the best product possible.

Don't have conversation intelligence yet? You can request an upgrade directly from any Call Details page.

Navigate to Call Details

Call details for a particular call can be found within Analytics > Call detail {particular call}. When looking at call logs, select the vertical dots next to an individual log entry and choose Call details.

Data within Call Details

The data on a Call Details page ranges from basic call information to troubleshooting data and analytical insights. This data is separated into categories, which constitute page elements. When you choose to download a PDF, you can customize which of these categories you do or do not want included on a particular call report.


The details section covers the most basic level of information about the call. This includes:

  • Contact

  • (Contact Phone) Number

  • (Contact’s) Company

  • Agent

  • (User/Account Phone) Number

  • Group—where the call ended

  • Waiting time

  • Talking time

  • Wrap-up time—also known as After-call work time

  • Call IDshown at the top of the page with a quick-copy option


The recording section includes the call recording, if one is available. Users with access to call recordings can select the download icon to download an MP3 format audio file of the call recording.

If you have conversation intelligence, there is also a toggle where you can view visual timelines for analyzed Sentiment and Topic Extraction. Click different points in the timeline to jump to that part of the transcription, and refer to the colored lines and color key to track changing sentiment or topics.

Call Steps

Next to Recording, you can toggle to Call Steps. These steps show the pathway a call took while being routed or connected, and can be especially useful for diagnosing issues with an inbound call flow or a missed inbound call. Select + Copy JSON to save this data in a file object format for troubleshooting purposes.

Transcription (AI)

Transcriptions will only exist if your company has call recording and conversation intelligence both enabled for the call being examined. The transcription seen here comes from the same model used for our conversation intelligence transcriptions.

Talk / Listen Ratio (AI)

If you are a conversation intelligence user, you can see the talk vs. listening percentage of the agent on the call.

Sentiment Analysis (AI)

If you are a conversation intelligence user, you can see the overall call sentiment.

Summary (AI)

If you are a conversation intelligence user, you can see the AI-generated call summary. Select the copy icon to copy the summary to the clipboard.


The tags section lists any call tags added to the call. For conversation intelligence users, AI-selected tags will also be included, marked with the wand icon.


Here is where any call notes added by the agent will appear.

If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support team, we are always happy to help!

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