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Export Call Details

Download call analytics details in PDF format

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to customize a PDF report with detailed call data.

User Level:

  • Analyst

  • Supervisor

  • Admin

Export to PDF

Detailed call information can now be shared seamlessly across teams and between management and agents. Downloadable PDFs allow information needed for documentation or training purposes to be stored in an easily accessible format.

Each call detail export can be customized. You can select the data types you want to be included in a particular report, and deselect the ones you don't.

Exports are able to be generated for any calls that have been completed. Conversation intelligence data will only exist if your company is using conversation intelligence for agents on selected calls, with recording enabled.


Navigate to Call Details

Export of call details can be found within Analytics > Call detail {particular call}. When looking at call logs, select the vertical dots next to an individual log entry and choose Call details.

Customize Export

  1. In the top right of a Call Details screen, select Export to PDF.

  2. Deselect any additional data types you do not want included in the report. The options are:

    1. Details — information about the contact and agent

    2. Talk/Listen Ratio

    3. Sentiment — percentage scores for positive, neutral, and negative sentiment analysis, as well as overall

    4. Tags (AI marked + user added)

    5. Notes

  3. Select Preview PDF to check the format of the report.

  4. Select Export to generate and automatically download the call report.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, you can contact our Support team. We are always here to help you!

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