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Missed Calls—Analytics
Missed Calls—Analytics

Get a comprehensive view to diagnose missed calls of all types from the Analytics dashboard.

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over 2 months ago

Learn how to filter and analyze missed call data within the Analytics dashboard.

User Level:

  • Admin

  • Supervisor

  • Analyst

Missed Calls Analysis

Checking your call history, including those calls that were missed, is as simple as filtering Analytics for your desired outcome and viewing the necessary logs. Applying filters at the top of the page, selecting a stat card, or clicking a point on a graph will affect what data breakdown you see underneath.

To tailor your missed call data:

  1. Select your desired report from the top left of the screen.

  2. Apply desired filters and choose a time range.

  3. Select a missed call related stat card to focus on data associated with that card.

The call log table at the bottom of the page will include comprehensive details for each missed call to facilitate follow-up action or deeper analysis.

Tip: Switching to toggle view allows you to see all your stat cards at once.

Choosing a Report Type

The way data is presented within different reports can vary significantly within Analytics. It is important to select an appropriate report type for what trends or call information you want to concentrate on. Group and Agent reports will be the necessary choices for diagnosing the causes of missed inbound calls which were not related to business hours.

Missed Call Count Logic (by Report)

Depending on the configuration of your call routing, a single missed call can show up multiple times within different reports. Here is an example:

  • You have one company containing 5 groups—one group for each room in their calling center. In each room of their center, there are 5 agents with physical phones.

  • An inbound call comes in. In its route, the call rings via all the groups, and for different reasons, no one picks it up. The missed call results will be:

    • In the Call log report: 1 Missed Call (for the company)

    • In the Group report: 5 Missed Calls (one for each group)

      • For a specific group, the sum would be 5

    • In the Agent report: 25 Missed calls (one on each agent’s phone)

Graph and Missed Inbound Breakdown

In Agent and Group reports, after clicking the Missed calls (inbound) card, you can select a category to graph only calls missed for the selected reason. The red line on the graph represents the previous period of the time range selected.

If you select a time range of Last 7 days, the blue line will include the seven days leading up to current time and the red line will include data from the seven days prior to that. The previous period line can be hidden by clicking its matching red dot and time range in the graph key.

Call Log Table

At the bottom of Group, Agent, and Call log report types, there is an associated call log table. For calls that route through agents and groups, this table can be especially important for understanding potential issues in routing logic, as well as group and agent capacity. For missed calls, we can see at exactly what point a call ended its journey by selecting the right dropdown arrow.

The Via column contains data for either the phone number or group where a missed call ended. Select the triple dots to get more detailed information about the call, including:

  • call steps

  • more call details (goes to the Call details screen)

  • the Call ID

By selecting Call steps, the user can see the steps a missed call took before it ended on either the number or group listed under Via. We can also see:

  • Step type (with details about the step)

  • Status (with log values)

  • Ringing time

  • Wrap up time

  • Talking time

  • Duration

All time values are listed in seconds (s).

In the above example, a call entered the queue and rang for 14 seconds on the Admins group. No agents picked up the call. It then moved to a Playback step, where the caller heard a recording before the call was ended.

In addition to having the Resolved and Unresolved Missed call cards for filtering, resolved calls are denoted in call tables with a small check icon over the bigger call direction icon. Hover over the icon to see the agent who resolved the call, along with the call ID.

Missed Call Stat Cards

Calls Outside of Business Hours

This stat card will only have data if your Business Hours and/or Holidays are switched on within Account > Settings > Business Hours.

Calls outside of Business Hours tracks inbound calls that ring outside of a company’s set business hours, or during enabled holidays. This data is only available within the Call log report, because calls which fall outside set business hours are not routed through agents and groups.

In Group + Agent Reports

Calls outside of Business Hours will not appear within Group or Agent reports. This can cause a discrepancy between the number of missed calls you see in your Group or Agent reports compared to the number of missed calls in your Call log report.

In an Agent or Group report, Calls outside of Business Hours will NOT be included in the sum of the total Missed Calls.

In Call Log Report

Calls outside of Business Hours show up in the Call log report. This is why the number of total missed calls may be bigger here than in your Group and Agent reports.

In a Call log report, Calls outside of Business Hours are included in the sum of total Missed Calls. Within the Call log report:

Missed calls (inbound) = Calls outside of Business Hours + calls missed for any other reason

Keep in mind that “resolved” and “unresolved” calls will not be differentiated in this report.

Missed Calls (Inbound)

Missed calls are defined as any calls that rang and were cancelled, declined, or simply not answered. This number can vary depending on the report type being viewed, due to the different ways a call can be routed: through a group, through only an agent, or neither. Resolved and unresolved missed calls are tallied within Missed calls stat cards in Group and Agent reports:

Missed Calls (inbound) = Resolved Missed Calls + Unresolved Missed Calls

Within the Group or Agent report, select the Missed calls stat card to provide a breakdown of why the call was not answered.

In Group Reports

Within the group report, there are four categories for why a call has been logged as missed.


What it means

No agents online

No agents were online at the time of the call.

No agents available

All agents online at the time were already engaged in a call, or were otherwise not in an available status to take the call.

No agents picked up

The call rang for more than 5 seconds and agents were available, but none of them picked up the call.


The caller hung up in the first 5 seconds, before the call could be answered.

In Agent Reports

Within the agent report, there are five categories for why a call has been logged as missed.


What it means

Not picked up

The call rang for more than 5 seconds. The agent was available but did not pick up the call.

This also covers cases where the call rings for an agent who then declines the call.


The call was missed because the agent was engaged in another call.


The call didn't ring for the agent, because the agent was offline.


The caller hung up in the first 5 seconds, before the call could be answered.


The call didn't ring for the agent because the agent had an Idle status.

Resolved Missed Calls

This card shows the number of missed inbound calls that have been called back, or “resolved”. Card data dynamically reflects the missed call count, meaning that once missed callers are called back, the number will update on the next search or filter.

Within Group or Agent reports, select the Resolved Missed Calls card to update the call log table below and display only calls that have been marked as resolved missed.

Unresolved Missed Calls

This card shows the number of missed inbound calls that have NOT been resolved. Card data dynamically reflects the missed call count, meaning that once missed callers are dialed back, the counter will decrease and update the new number in accordance with how many calls were resolved since the last refresh. This change will happen after the call ends.

Within Group or Agent reports, select the Unresolved Missed Calls card to update the call log table below and display only calls that have been marked as unresolved missed.

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