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Call Monitor

Supervise and join ongoing calls to help your agents in real-time and understand your customers better.

Monika Machová avatar
Written by Monika Machová
Updated over a year ago

Learn how to view and join active calls as an admin, and how agents can request help during an ongoing call.

Monitoring Calls

What is call monitoring?

Call monitoring is tool which allows managers to view the list of live calls currently taking place within a company call center. Admin and supervisors with access to this feature can view call details such as the duration, contact number, agent, and call tags. They can also join the call in progress for monitoring purposes.

Access Call Monitor

In order to join a live call, the supervising user must be logged into the dashboard and desktop phone app (if previously logged in elsewhere).

Admin and supervisors are able to monitor calls from the dashboard, within the Call Monitor tab.

From the Call Monitor page, an admin or supervisor can see the list of Live calls, including call details. These calls can be filtered by duration, agent, groups, direction, or call tag(s).

The orange hand signal indicates a call where an agent has requested help on the call. Three-way calling is currently the maximum number of participants for a call, meaning if there is an agent and customer on the line, only one admin or supervisor can join in addition.

Join a Call

Select Join next to the call you want to monitor. There are three options you can use to join a call:

  1. Listen to call—Join only for monitoring purposes. Neither the agent nor customer will be able to hear you, though the agent will be notified you have joined.

  2. Talk to agent—In this option, you can listen and talk, but only the agent will be able to hear you.

  3. Talk to both:—Join a 3-way conversation in which both the customer and agent can hear you.

As an admin or supervisor, you are able to disconnect or switch between the join modes listed here at any time while attending a call. Agents on the call will be notified when you join or switch modes.

Raise Hand Feature — Agents

If an you're an agent in a difficult spot and want to request the help of an administrator or supervisor, you can use More > Raise hand on the Call in progress screen to signal that your call needs attention.

After selecting the Raise hand option, a notification bar will appear above your Call in progress screen, signaling that your supervisor can now see your request and may join to listen, advise, or take part in the conversation.

You will also be able to see when your call is being attended or monitored. This includes:

  • The name of the attending supervisor

  • Whether the attending supervisor is listening, talking to you (only), or talking to both (you and the customer)


  • Q: Can a supervisor see incoming calls on their phone while in the process of monitoring an active call?

    • A: Yes, you can see an incoming call while monitoring a different call, and you'll have the choice to accept or reject. If you accept the incoming call, you must disconnect from the monitored call. To stay in monitoring mode, reject the incoming call.

  • Q: The Join button is greyed out and I can't click any option.

    • A: Admin and supervisors must be logged into the desktop Phone app to be able to successfully monitor a call.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, you can contact our Support team. We are always here to help you!

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