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Learn how to use Conditions in your Workflow Automations

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over 3 months ago

Workflow Automations are designed to make the job of an agent easier by automating processes such as sending a followup text, transcribing certain calls, or automatically forwarding transcriptions to Slack. Conditions are optional modifiers we can add to the automation process in order to specify a desired scenario to our needs.

How do Conditions work?

A condition is sort of like an additional "if" statement layered on top of your trigger. The type of trigger you choose will alter what conditions you can add on.

Say you wanted an automation to occur when an SMS was received by a particular important contact whose phone number was 555-5555. Your Trigger would be SMS received, and your conditions might look like:

Only continue if...(Property) > (Operand)contains > (Value) 5555555

Instead of triggering an automation each time any SMS is received, you are clarifying to the system that you only want the process to happen in response to a specific phone number that you've entered.

Building a Condition

In the Workflow Automations tab under Settings, we are given the option to + Add Workflow. After we have named our new Workflow and selected a Trigger, we are given the option to Add Conditions.

Conditions consist of three main parts, labeled:

Choosing a Property

Properties must be selected from one of the blue key phrases listed in the Useful data for your Workflow box. This is necessary for the system to understand your request. Key phrase options will be different depending on the Trigger you have chosen.

  1. Click into the box labeled Property.

  2. From the Useful data for your Workflow column, click which property you would like to use.

  3. The dynamic property reference should automatically populate the field.

Selecting an Operand

An operand can search for something or make a comparison. It is important for the Property value in your trigger to match the functionality of the operand. Use numerical values for operands which imply a number evaluation:

  • is less than

  • is greater than

  • is less than or equal to

Other operands can additionally function with character inputs, also called strings. These are:

  • starts with (letter/s)

  • ends with (letter/s)

  • contains

  • is equal to (in strings, will look for exact match)

Inputing Values

The value is what your condition will either be searching for or comparing the Property input to. Value input must be accurately paired with the Property input. Always refer to the Useful data for your Workflow sidebar to see appropriate Value examples for each property type.

Numerical values are evaluated based on standard, base ten number order.

Strings are evaluated based on the placement order of each character. This means incorrectly spelled words will not be recognized. Conditions are also case sensitive. A value entry of lead (lowercase) will not match tags which contain Lead (uppercase).

Combining Multiple Conditions

This will require the selected trigger to match all condition rules in order for the resulting automation Action to take place. Click + Add condition to add additional specifications to your desired scenario. You can also delete conditions by clicking the red trash icon or the three vertical dots on the upper right corner of the Conditions box.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support team, we are always happy to help!

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